― E. O. Wilson

different kinds of animals
and plants in the world...
― David Attenborough
The most valuable lessons come from nature, and in nature Invertebrates dominate.
Insects are vastly superior to humans.
– Dr. Aaron T. Dossey
The value of invertebrates to life on earth, and to humans, cannot be over-stated. Invertebrates are critical for all life on earth. They make up the vast majority of species on earth, inhabit every habitat and ecological niche on earth and provide critical services and functions for all other species on earth. They provide ecological services including pollination and nutrient cycling which support practically all life on earth.
ISI strongly believes that if the public of all ages can be exposed to the wonders of invertebrate biodiversity on earth through research and a truly comprehensive picture of earth’s interconnected biodiversity, people will be inspired and motivated to push for strong, robust and long-lasting measures to restore and protect our natural world.
The numbers of species of insects are more than any other group in the world.

ISI’s Biodome labs will be world-class biomedical style research facilities containing the latest state of the art equipment and amenities for invertebrate rearing, genome sequencing, analytical chemistry, drug discovery, chemical ecology and other invertebrate derived research endeavors.
If we are able to develop our research program and institute to sequence the genomes of insects and the bioproducts derived from those genetic resources, as well as engage the public in our research through educational programs, we could contribute to a virtual revolution in appreciating the value of all life on earth beginning with the least valued yet most biologically abundant organisms on earth: Insects.
There are an estimated 3,000,000-40,000,000 species of insects on Earth!
Jurassic park of Bugs!
Think ‘the Jurassic park of Bugs!’. Build a world-class 1,000,000 square foot public Biodome, Invertebrate (“Bug”) Zoo and Research Institute uniquely designed with series of live invertebrate displays research lab facilities each charged with its own element of our Vision: education, outreach, research, and natural conservation
International Recognition
Create an internationally recognized invertebrate-centered research facility which also contributes to our vision to expand invertebrate centered education, outreach and natural conservation;
Worldwide Network
Establish a network of collaborators, partners, facilities, colleagues and other stakeholders for executing our vision of expanding invertebrate centered education, outreach, research and natural conservation.
Only a tiny fraction of the total chemical biodiversity that exists in insects alone has been determined.
– Dr. Aaron T. Dossey
In order to share our research with the public and display as many species as possible, we need your help.

Invertebrate Studies Institute’s mission is to inspire appreciation for and conservation of the natural world through invertebrate focused research, education, outreach, entertainment activities.
Invertebrate Studies Institute, Inc. (ISI) is a non-profit 501c3 organization.
Our Offices
Invertebrate Studies Institute, Inc.
University Research Park
755 Research Parkway, Suite 552
Oklahoma City, OK 73130
Phone: 352-281-3643
Email: support@isibugs.org
Support ISI Today
ISI inspires appreciation for science, invertebrates and the natural world.