Prototype Insect Zoo
ISI’s ultimate vision is to build the world’s largest Biodome and biotech facility, focused on all things invertebrate. We are making great strides toward that ground breaking transformative vision. On the path to the Biodome, we plan to build a smaller, yet still the world’s largest (by species on display) insect zoo and biotech laboratory.

Invertebrate Studies Institute’s mission is to inspire appreciation for and conservation of the natural world through invertebrate focused research, education, outreach, entertainment activities.
Invertebrate Studies Institute, Inc. (ISI) is a non-profit 501c3 organization.
Our Offices
Invertebrate Studies Institute, Inc.
University Research Park
755 Research Parkway, Suite 552
Oklahoma City, OK 73130
Phone: 352-281-3643
Support ISI Today
ISI inspires appreciation for science, invertebrates and the natural world.