Dr. Aaron T. Dossey

ISI President, Founder and Chair of the Board

Dr. Aaron T. Dossey:  ISI President, Founder and Chair of the Board:  ISI is the brain child of Ph.D. Biochemist, Biomedical Scientist and self-taught Entomologist Dr. Aaron T. Dossey, derived from his life-long passion for insects and the natural world.  Dr. Dossey’s experiences and background make him uniquely qualified to lead this organization and its endeavors. He has always strived for and reached the top of any field he has pursued. Dr. Dossey is President, Founder and Owner of All Things Bugs LLC (since 2011) – the world’s leading R&D Biotech firm in the area of insects as a sustainable resource for food, feed, pharma and other valuable applications. He has a Ph.D. in Biomedical Science, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2006 – University of Florida, College of Medicine). He was a 2006-2010 postdoctoral associate at the U. of Florida, and 2010-2012 was postdoctoral Research Entomologist with USDA. 

All Things Bugs LLC develops sustainable technologies from insects to improve agriculture and health. The company received over $4.1 million in research funding including: 2012-2013 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Phase I Grand Challenges grant (Crabbe, 2012), 3 Phase I and 3 Phase II USDA SBIR grants on insect processing, insect based food development and improved insect farming technologies and additional funding from DARPA SBIR program (cricket/mealworm genomics/genetic engineering) and OCAST (Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science & Technology) (insect processing). As a world leader in the field, Dr. Dossey published a critical comprehensive foundational reference text book, “Insects as Sustainable Food Ingredients” covering all aspects of insects as food and the emerging insect based food industry. He also attended the UN FAO Expert Consultation in 2012 on potential for insects to contribute to food security (Vantomme et al., 2012). He has invented patent pending technology for production of insect based food ingredients (such as Griopro® brand cricket powder) and his company has commercial success selling to food companies. For 4 years, All Things Bugs LLC has been marketing insect based ingredients, with almost $400,000 sales (over 15,000 pounds of Cricket Powder). Dr. Dossey has over 30 peer reviewed publications, 2 provisional and 1 pending patent. 

Dr. Dossey is the world’s leading expert in phasmid chemical defenses (Dossey, 2010; Dossey et al., 2007; Dossey et al., 2012; Dossey, 2011; Dossey et al., 2009; Wang, et al., 2009; Conle, et al., 2009; Dossey, et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2007; McLeod, et al., 2007; McMonogle and Dossey, 2007; Dossey et al., 2006). He is also founder and president of Invertebrate Studies Institute, a non-profit for invertebrate themed education, outreach, research and conservation. 

ISI is the brain child of Ph.D. Biochemist, Biomedical Scientist and self-taught Entomologist Dr. Aaron T. Dossey, derived from his life-long passion for insects and the natural world. Dr. Dossey’s experiences and background make him uniquely qualified to lead this organization and its endeavors. He has always strived for and reached the top of any field he has pursued. Dr. Dossey is President, Founder and Owner of All Things Bugs LLC (since 2011) – the world’s leading R&D Biotech firm in the area of insects as a sustainable resource for food, feed, pharma and other valuable applications. He has a Ph.D. in Biomedical Science, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2006 – University of Florida, College of Medicine). He was a 2006-2010 postdoctoral associate at the U. of Florida, and 2010-2012 was postdoctoral Research Entomologist with USDA.

Curriculum Vitae

Aaron T. Dossey, Ph.D.

2211 Snapper Ln
Midwest City, OK 73130

Cell Phone:    352-281-3643

Email Address:  Aaron.T.Dossey@allthingsbugs.com

Web Pages: http://www.cricketpowder.com ; http://www.allthingsbugs.com




University of Florida, College of Medicine; Gainesville, FL

Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology                                                           August 2006

Dissertation: “Detailed Analysis of FMRFamide-Like Neuropeptides and Other Natural Products by NMR and Bioinformatics


Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 

B.S. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Cum Laude                                                May 2001

Areas of Concentration: Molecular Biology, Protein Structure, Enzymology

Minors: Mathematics, Chemistry

Honors Thesis: “Exploration of Kinetics of Several Dehydrogenases Both in the Presence and Absence
                      of Others and the Possibility of Physical Associations”


Workshops and Other Training:


“Write Winning Grant Proposals”; University of Florida, IFAS, March 19, 2012


Food + Health Entrepreneurship Academy; University of California Davis; Davis, CA; February 5-10, 2012.


SBIR Workshop; Florida Innovation Hub, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; all day; October 20, 2011.


Applying to the NIH SBIR Phase I Program for First-Time Applicants; Online from the National Council of Entrepreneurial Tech Transfer; 2-night sections; October 19-20, 2011.


Workshop on Molecular Evolution; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA; August 2004.         


Summer course work toward BS degree; Rose State College, Midwest City, OK; Summer 2000.


Positions Held


Founder/President; Invertebrate Studies Institute; Midwest City, OK; November 2017 – PRESENT.


President, Founder and Owner; All Things Bugs LLC; Midwest City, OK, USA; July 2011 – PRESENT.


Research Entomologist; United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS), Gainesville, FL, USA; July 17, 2010 – July 17, 2012.


Postdoctoral Research Associate; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA; September 2006 – 2010.


Honors and AWARDS


  • Editors’ Choice Award for “Best Paper”, Entomological Society of America 2010
  • International Society of Chemical Ecology (ISCE) Conference Travel Award 2008
  • NSF “Pan American Advanced Studies Institute” (PASI) Fellowship 2008
  • Jack L. Beal Award for “Best Paper by Young Investigator” in Journal of Natural Products          2007
  • Scholarship toward Tuition Awarded (Woods Hole MBL) August 2005
  • Student Travel Award – Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC)          2004
  • Grinter Fellowship (UF)    2001-2004
  • Outstanding Senior Award from the Department of Biochemistry (OSU) 2001
  • Lew Wentz Foundation Research Project Fellowship (OSU)     2000-2001
  • Freshman Research Scholar’s Program (OSU)    1996-1997


Grants and Funding (Over $4.1 million to date)


  • United States Department of Defense (DOD); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR); Phase II; Aaron T. Dossey (Principal Investigator); Title: Thinking Outside the Cricket Box: Developing a State-of-the-art, Human-free Insect Production System (IPS)”; Funding amount: $1,000,000; Funding Period: March, 2018 – March 2020; Option Funding: 500,000; Option period: March 2020 – March 2021.


  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR); Phase I; Aaron T. Dossey (Principal Investigator); Title: Improving Food Security in the Face of Pandemics / COVID-19: Diversifying Protein via Mechanized High Density Mealworm Farming; Funding amount: $106,500; Funding Period: September 1, 2020 – April 20, 2021.


  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR); Phase II; Aaron T. Dossey (Principal Investigator); Title: Adding Value and Sustainability to the Food Industry: Mealworm Protein Ingredient as Extract and Powder; Funding amount: $600,000; Funding Period: September 1, 2017 – August 31, 2020.


  • United States Department of Defense (DOD); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR); Phase I; Aaron T. Dossey (Principal Investigator); Title: Thinking Outside the Cricket Box: Developing a State-of-the-art, Human-free Insect Production System (IPS)”; Funding amount: $175,000; Funding Period: January 2, 2018 – January 1, 2019; Option Funding: $50,000; Option Period: January 2. 2019 – May 1, 2019.


  • Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science & Technology (OCAST); Applied Research Grant; Aaron T. Dossey (Principle Investigator); Title: Streamlining Production and Development of New Farmed Insect Protein Extract Ingredients for the Food Industry; Funding amount: $250,000; Funding Period: August 1, 2017 – July 31, 2019.


  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR); Phase I; Aaron T. Dossey (Principal Investigator); Title: Diversifying and Adding Value to the Food Industry: Mealworm Powder as an Ingredient; Funding amount: $100,000; Funding Period: July 1, 2017 – February 28, 2018.


  • United States Department of Defense (DOD); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR); Phase I; Aaron T. Dossey (Principal Investigator); Title: Genetic/Genomic Technology to Improve Farmed Insects for Sustainable Nutrition, Health and Other Applications; Funding amount: $150,000; Funding Period: April 4, 2017 – October 4, 2017; Option Funding: $50,000; Option Period: October 27, 2017 – February 26, 2018.


  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR); Phase II; Aaron T. Dossey (Principal Investigator); Title: Reducing Cost, Improving Efficiency and Productivity of Farming Crickets as Food Ingredients; Funding amount: $600,000; Funding Period: September 1, 2016 – August 31, 2018.


  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR); Phase I; Aaron T. Dossey (Principal Investigator); Title: Reducing Cost, Improving Efficiency and Safety of Farming Crickets as Food Ingredients; Funding amount: $100,000; Funding Period: July 1, 2015 – February 29, 2014.



  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR); Phase II; Aaron T. Dossey (Principal Investigator); Title: Low Crawling Fruit: High Quality, Clean, Sustainable Protein Created From Insects; Funding amount: $450,000; Funding Period: September 1, 2014 – August 31, 2016.


  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR); Phase I; Aaron T. Dossey (Principal Investigator); Title: Ready to Use Therapeutic Food Product to Alleviate Malnutrition in Children Using Insects; Funding amount: $100,000; Funding Period: July 1, 2013 – February 28, 2014.


  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Grand Challenges Explorations; Round 7; Explore Nutrition for Healthy Growth of Infants and Children; Title: Good Bugs: Sustainable Food for Malnutrition in Children; Aaron T. Dossey (Principal Investigator); Funding Amount: $100,000 for 18 months; Funding Period: May 1, 2012 – October 31, 2013.


  • Citrus Research Board; Project Title: Breaking citrus trade barriers using novel postharvest fumigations: high-concentration phosphine at low temperature (Horn method); Project Leader: Spencer S. Walse; Co-Investigators: Beth Grafton-Cardwell, Michael E. Rogers, Aaron T. Dossey; Funding Amount: ~$80,000; Funding approved for second year of a three year project – 2009-2010.




  • Aaron T. Dossey, INSECT PRODUCTS AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURE AND USE THEREOF, U.S. Patent Application Number: 14/537,960; International Patent Application Number: PCT/US14/64920.
  • Aaron T. Dossey, Spencer S. Walse, Oskar V. Conle, Arthur S. Edison, Susan Matthew, and Hendrik Luesch, Parectadial Compounds, Methods of Synthesis, and Methods of Use, Provisional Patent, Serial No. 60/909,827, UF-12486, April 3, 2007 – April 3, 2008.




Published and In Review:





  • Juan Alfredo Morales-Ramos, Maria Guadalupe Rojas, and Aaron T. Dossey. Age-dependent food utilization of Acheta domesticus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) in small groups at two temperatures, (2018). Journal of Insects as Food and Feed (JIFF). IN PRESS. (ACCEPTED for publication: January 5, 2018). doi:10.1038/s41598-018-19435-6.






  • Marianne Shockley and Aaron T. Dossey; Insects for Human Consumption; (2014); In: Mass Production of Beneficial Organisms Invertebrates and Entomopathogens; Juan A. Morales-Ramos, M. Guadeluoe Rojas and David I. Shapiro-Ilan (Eds.); Chapter 18; pp.617-652.


  • Andrea Choe*, Tatsuji Chuman*, Stephan H. von Reuss*, Aaron T. Dossey*, Joshua Yim, Ramadan Ajredini, Adam A. Kolawa, Hans T. Alborn, Peter E. Teal, Frank C. Schroeder, Paul W. Sternberg, and Arthur S. Edison, Sex-specific mating pheromones in the nematode Panagrellus redivivus; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109, (51), 20949-20954, (December 18, 2012).









  • Aaron T. Dossey and Spencer S. Walse, USDA-ARS, Mortality and removal of Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, on California fresh citrus during postharvest cleaning and packing, November 2010, (Interagency report for USDA-APHIS).






  • Fatma Kaplan, Dayakar V. Badri, Cherian Zachariah, Ramazan Adjerdini, Fransisco Sandoval, Sanja Roje, Lanfang Levine, Fengli Zhang, Steve Robinette, Hans Alborn, Wei Zhao, Jagan Srinivasan, Paul W. Sternberg, Mike Stadler, Rathika Nimalendran, Aaron T. Dossey, Rafael Brüschweiler, Jorge M. Vivanco, Arthur S. Edison, Caenorhabditis elegans Metabolomics: Bacterial Attraction and Quorum Sensing Inhibition, (2009), Journal of Chemical Ecology, 35, (8), 878-892.











  • None at the moment.


In Preparation:

  • John M. Whitaker, Aaron T. Dossey, Marco Gottardo, Maria Cristina A. Dancel and William R. Roush, Synthesis of Defensive Spiroketals from the Stick Insect Asceles glaber, In Preparation for the Journal of Organic Chemistry.


  • Aaron T. Dossey, Marco Gottardo, Maria Christina A. Dancel, Ulrich R. Bernier and Robert K. Vander Meer, Sulcatone in the Chemical Defense Spray of Lopaphus sphalerus and its Effects on Ants and Mosquitoes, In Preparation for the Journal of Natural Products.


  • Aaron T. Dossey and Spencer S. Walse, Systems Based Evaluation of Citrus Packing House Treatment on Removal and Mortality of Asian Citrus Psyllid (Diaphorina citri), In Preparation for Postharvest Biology and Technology.


Selected Media and Press





Current and Ongoing:

  • USDA-ARS, Dr. Brenda Oppert; Genomic sequencing of insects and transgenic insect strategies. Collaborator on the DARPA grant project above related to this topic.


  • NCSU (North Carolina State University); Prof. Marcé Lorenzen; Insect genetic transformation and transgenic insect generation strategies and genomic data mining. Collaborator on the DARPA grant project above related to this topic.


  • USDA-ARS, Stoneville, MS; Drs. Juan Morales-Ramos and Guadalupe Rojas; Research in the area of insect mass rearing/production/farming for human food consumption, animal feed or other applications. We have submitted several grant applications and are continuing to collaborate in the interim.


  • USDA-ARS, Gainesville, FL; Dr. Ulrich R. Bernier; identifying natural products derived from insect chemical defenses and other sources with efficacy as mosquito repellents. I provide experience and expertise in sample preparation, target source species identification entomology, ecology, NMR spectroscopy and experimental design. 


  • USDA-ARS, Gainesville, FL; Dr. Robert K. Vander Meer; identifying natural products derived from insect chemical defenses and other sources with efficacy as fire ant repellents; I provide experience and expertise in sample preparation, target source species identification entomology, ecology, NMR spectroscopy and experimental design.




Journals Reviewed


  • Journal of Natural Products – 2009-present.
  • Journal of Chemical Ecology – 2007-present.


Journal Covers


MeetingS and Presented Work

Organizer / Co-Organizer:


  • KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting; June 26-28, 2019; Songdo Convensia; Incheon, South Korea; Co-Chair; section on “Insect-Based Food“; Aaron T. Dossey; Wednesday, June 26, 2019; 3:45-5:45 PM.



  • Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Food Expo; July 25-28, 2017; Sands Expo Center, Las Vegas, NV, USA; Co-Organizer and Session Moderator; Title: “Challenges in the Edible Insect-Based Food Industry: Farm to Fork”, Part 2; Aaron T. Dossey. Room: Bellini 2105 6/28/2017, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm.


  • Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Food Expo; July 25-28, 2017; Sands Expo Center, Las Vegas, NV, USA; Co-Organizer; Title: “Challenges in the Edible Insect-Based Food Industry: Farm to Fork”, Part 1; Aaron T. Dossey. Room: Bellini 2105 6/28/2017, 8:30 am – 10:00 am.

Exhibits / EXPO Booth/Table Presentations


  • Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Food Expo; July 25-28, 2017; Sands Expo Center, Las Vegas, NV, USA; First IFT “NEXT” section “Startup Alley” (one of only 10 companies selected); Company Booth/Kiosk (All Things Bugs LLC / GrioPro® Cricket Powder protein); Aaron T. Dossey.


Oral Presentations:

  • Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT); General Meeting; February 23 – February 26, 2020; JW Marriott Marco Island Beach Resort; Marco Island, FL.; Selected as a “Flash Talk”; Monday, February 24, 2020; Title: “Developing Genetic Resources and Engineering Insects for Food, Feed and Pharma”. Aaron T. Dossey and Dr. Clay Chu. Room: Clausa Ballroom; 11:20 AM – 11:40 AM (mine was the last talk of the set).








  • UNC Clean Tech Summit; Annual Conference; February 28 – March 1, 2019; UNC Friday Center (University of North Carolina); Chapel Hill, NC, USA; PAID INVITED Expert Panel Title: “Alternative Proteins”; Aaron T. Dossey; Room: Bellflower; Thursday, February 28, 2019; 1:30-2:45 PM.






  • Morales-Ramos, J. A., M. G. Rojas, and T. Dossey. Age-dependent Food utilization in small groups of Acheta domesticus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) at two temperatures. Symposium: Insects: It’s what’s for Dinner! Entomological Society of America Annual meeting, Denver, Colorado, November 5-8, 2017.



  • Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Food Expo; July 25-28, 2017; Sands Expo Center, Las Vegas, NV, USA; Speaker; Title: “A Vision for the Insect Based Food Industry: Perspective of a Scientist Entrepreneur and Research From Farm to Table, Including Processing”; in the symposium titled “Challenges in the Edible Insect-Based Food Industry: Farm to Fork”, Part 1; Aaron T. Dossey. Room: Bellini 2105 6/28/2017, 9:35 am – 9:55 pm.




  • United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS); Stoneville, MS, USA; Invited Talk (flight paid); “Developing Insects for Food, Feed, Pharma and Other Valuable ApplicationsAaron T. Dossey.


  • Florida Food and Nutrition Symposium (FANS); Florida Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (FAND); July 27, 2016; Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel and Marina; Tampa, FL, USA; PAID Invited Oral Presentation and Panel Discussion: “Protein: Market Potential, Sourcing and Quality Assessment”; A “New” Family of Sustainable Protein Food Ingredient Commodities from Insects; Aaron T. Dossey.


  • Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Food Expo; July 16-19, 2016; McCormick Place South, Chicago, IL, USA; Symposium Speaker; Roadblocks and Bumps on the Road to Insect Ingredient Commercialization; in the symposium titled “Edible Insects: Moving Beyond Sensationalism to Industrialization; Aaron T. Dossey.


  • Eating Insects Detroit; May 26-28, 2016; Wayne State University; Detroit, MI, USA; Critical Concepts for the Insect Based Commodity Industry Including Processing; Aaron T. Dossey.


  • Food Vision USA; October 27-29, 2015; The Drake Hotel, Chicago, IL, USA; Invited Participation in Expert Panel; Aaron T. Dossey.


  • Supply Side West (SSW); October 5-9, 2015; Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV, USA; Invited Oral Presentation and Panel Discussion: “Protein: Market Potential, Sourcing and Quality Assessment”; Low Crawling Fruit: High-Quality, Healthy, Sustainable Protein Created From Crickets; Aaron T. Dossey.





  • Entomological Society of America (ESA) 59th Annual Meeting; November 13-16, 2011; Atlantis Resort and the Convention Center, Reno, NV, USA; Oral Research Presentation; Stick insect chemical defenses: Potential for Useful Chemistry (Order Phasmatodea); Aaron T. Dossey, Marco Gottardo, Robert Vander Meer, Ulrich R. Bernier, John Whitaker, Maritta Kunert, Wilhelm Boland and William Roush.


  • American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP) and Phytochemical Society of North America; 52nd Annual Meeting; July 31, 2011; Paradise Point Resort & Spa, San Diego, CA, USA; Oral Contributed Talk; Insects and their Chemical Weaponry: Great Potential and New Discoveries from the Order Phasmatodea; Aaron T. Dossey, John M. Whitaker, Marco Gottardo, Robert K. Vander Meer, Ulrich R. Bernier, Maritta Kunert, Wilhelm Boland and William R. Roush.




  • American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP) and Phytochemical Society of North America; 51st Annual Meeting; July 11, 2010; Tradewinds, Island Grand Beach Resort, St. Petersburg Beach, FL, USA; Oral Research Presentation; New Discoveries in Stick Insect Chemical Biodiversity and Biosynthesis (Order Phasmatodea); Aaron T. Dossey, John M. Whitaker, Marco Gottardo, Robert Vander Meer, Maritta Kunert, William R. Roush, and Wilhelm Boland.




  • American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP); 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting; June 30, 2009; Sheraton Waikiki, Honolulu, HI, USA; Oral Research Presentation; Walkingsticks as Models for Chemical Biodiversity and Biosynthesis (Order Phasmatodea); Aaron T. Dossey and Arthur S. Edison.




  • American Chemical Society (ACS) 82nd Annual Florida Meeting and Exposition FAME; 2006; Orlando, FL; Oral presentation; “NMR Analysis of Defensive Spray from Individual Stick Insects (Anisomorpha buprestoides)”; T. Dossey, S. S. Walse, J. R. Rocca, and A. S. Edison.




Meetings Attended as a Participant:



  • Institute of Food Technologists (IFT); Chicago, IL, USA; July 13-16, 2013; Annual Meeting and Food Expo; Invited attendance through the University of Nebraska.




Poster Presentations:

  • Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT); General Meeting; February 23 – February 26, 2020; JW Marriott Marco Island Beach Resort; Marco Island, FL.; Poser# 302; Title: “Developing Genetic Resources and Engineering Insects for Food, Feed and Pharma”. Aaron T. Dossey and Dr. Clay Chu. Room: Clausa Ballroom; 11:20 AM – 11:40 AM (mine was the last talk of the set).



  • Akbaran, M., Amarender, V., Dossey, A., Gamagedra, S. and K. Bhargava. Mealworm Powder as a Novel Source of Food Protein: Defatting and Proximate Analyses. 2018 IFT-Oklahoma and FAPC Research Symposium, Stillwater, OK; Poster Presentation.


  • Amarender, V., Akbaran, M., Dossey, A., Gamagedra, S. and K. Bhargava. Defatting and Proximate Analysis of Cricket Powder For Effective and Functional Insect Protein Isolates For Food Applications. 2018 IFT-Oklahoma and FAPC Research Symposium, Stillwater, OK; Oral Presentation.


  • Akbaran, M., Amarender, V., Dossey, A., Gamagedra, S. and K. Bhargava. Mealworm Powder as a Novel Source of Food Protein: Defatting and Proximate Analyses. 2018 Oklahoma Research Day, Enid, OK.


  • Akbaran, M., Amarender, V., Dossey, A., Gamagedra, S. and K. Bhargava. Mealworm Powder as a Novel Source of Food Protein: Defatting and Proximate Analyses. IFT Annual Meeting 2018, Chicago, IL.


  • Amarender, V., Akbaran, M., Dossey, A., Gamagedra, S. and K. Bhargava. Defatting and Proximate Analysis of Cricket Powder For Effective and Functional Insect Protein Isolates For Food Applications. IFT Annual Meeting 2018, Chicago, IL.


  • Morales-Ramos, J. A., M. G. Rojas, and T. Dossey. Age-dependent Food utilization in small groups of Acheta domesticus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) at two temperatures. 91st Annual Meeting of the SEB of ESA. March 12-15, 2017, Memphis, Tennessee.


  • IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Aracnología y XLIX Congreso Nacional de la SME; Sociedad Mexicana de Entomología; July 20-25, 2014; Centro cultural Universitario y Primitivo y Nacional de San Nicolás de Hidalgo Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo; Morelia, Michoacán; “LOS INSECTOS COMO UNA FUENTE DE PROTEINA LIMPIA Y SUSTENTABLE PARA EL FUTURO” (Low Crawling Fruit: Insects as the Clean Sustainable Protein of the Future); Aaron T. Dossey and Ingrid Raquel Méndez-Gutiérrez.


  • Grand Challenges | Explorations Agricultural Development (Round 8 & 9) and Nutrition (Round 7 & 8); Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Campus; March 13-15, 2013; Seattle WA, USA; Poster Session and Meeting. “Good Bugs: Sustainable Food for Malnutrition in Children”; Aaron T. Dossey.


  • 18th Annual C. Elegans Meeting; The Genetics Society of America Conference Series; June 22-26, 2011; University of California, Los Angeles, CA; “Identification of ascr#1 as the female sex pheromone in the free-living nematode Panagrellus redivivus”, (844C); Andrea Choe, Aaron T. Dossey, Tatsuji Chuman, Ramadan Ajredini, D. Kogan, H. Von Reuss, Frank Schroeder, Arthur S. Edison and Paul W. Sternberg.


  • 18th Annual C. Elegans Meeting; The Genetics Society of America Conference Series; June 22-26, 2011; University of California, Los Angeles, CA; “Identification of a New Ascaroside, Female Attracting Pheromone in Panagrellus redivivus”; (1232C) Tatsuji Chuman, Aaron T. Dossey, Ramadan Ajredini, Andrea Choe, Stephan von Reuss, Frank C. Schroeder, Paul W. Sternberg and Arthur S. Edison.


  • European C. elegans Neurobiology Meeting; October 9-11, 2010; Fodele Beach, Crete; “Identification of Ascr1 as a Gender Specific Mate-finding Cue in the Free-living Nematode Panagrellus redivivus”; Andrea Choe, Aaron T. Dossey, Tatsuji Chuman, Ramadan Ajredini, Frank C. Schroeder, Arthur S. Edison and Paul W. Sternberg.


  • American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP) and Phytochemical Society of North America; 51st Annual Meeting; July 11, 2010; Tradewinds, Island Grand Beach Resort, St. Petersburg Beach, FL, USA; “Chemical Communication in Nematodes: Identification of a Panagrellus redivivus Mating Pheromone”, Tatsuji Chuman, Ramadan Ajredini, Hans Alborn, Andrea Choe, Aaron T. Dossey, Fatma Kaplan, Frank C. Schroeder, Paul W. Sternberg and Arthur S. Edison.


  • Southeastern Magnetic Resonance Conference (SEMRC); October 17-19, 2008; Florida State University (FSU), Tallahassee, FL; Poster Presented; “Walkingsticks as Models for Chemical Biodiversity and Biosynthesis (Order Phasmatodea)”; Aaron T. Dossey and Arthur S. Edison.


  • SEMRC; October 17-19, 2008; FSU, Tallahassee, FL; Poster Presented; “Developmental and Environmental Metabolomics of Caenorhabditis elegans: Interactions Between Worms and Bacteria”; Fatma Kaplan, Dayakar Badri, Jagan Srinivasan, Cherian Zachariah, Ramazan Adjerdini, Hans Alborn, Fransisco Sandoval, Sanja Roje, Lanfang Levine, Fengli Zhang, Steve Robinette, Wei Zhao, Mike Stadler, Rathika Nimalendran, Aaron T. Dossey, Rafael Brüschweiler, Peter Teal, Paul W. Sternberg, Jorge Vivanco, Arthur S. Edison.


  • International Society of Chemical Ecology (ISCE); 25th Anniversary Meeting of ISCE; August 16-23, 2008; Penn State University, State College, PA; Poster Presented; “Walkingsticks as Models for Chemical Biodiversity and Biosynthesis (Order Phasmatodea)”; Aaron T. Dossey and Arthur S. Edison.


  • Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC); April 2008, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA; Poster Presented; “Covariance NMR Metabolomics Web Portal”;  Fengli Zhang; Steven L. Robinette; Aaron T. Dossey; Cherian Zachariah; Lei Bruschweiler-Li; Arthur S. Edison; Rafael Brüschweiler.


  • 16th Annual elegans Meeting; June 27 – July 1, 2007; Los Angeles, CA; Poster Presented; “Behavioral/Developmental Metabolomics: Isolation and Characterization of Mating Pheromones from C. elegans”; F. Kaplan, J. Srinivasan, R. Ajredini, C. Zachariah, H. Alborn, A. T. Dossey, M. Stadler, J. R. Rocca, P. W. Sternberg, P. Teal, A. S. Edison.


  • ENC; April 2007; Daytona Beach, FL; Poster Presented; “The Isomers of Anisomorphal: A Model System for NMR and Computational Methods for Stereochemical Analysis”; T. Dossey, S. S. Walse, B. Wang, K. Merz, A. S. Edison.


  • ENC; April 2007; Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA; Poster Presented; “NMR and Mixtures: New Developments for Natural Products and Metabolomics”; F. Zhang, R. Brüschweiler, F. Kaplan, C. Zachariah, K. Sippel, M. Stadler, T. Dossey, A. S. Edison.


  • SEMRC; November 3-5, 2006; Gainesville, FL; Poster Presented; “Single Insect NMR: A New Tool to Probe Chemical Biodiversity”; T. Dossey, S. S. Walse, J. R. Rocca, A. S. Edison.


  • SEMRC; November 3-5, 2006; Gainesville, FL; Poster Presented; “Identification and Characterization of Pheromones from elegans”; R. Ajredini, H. Alborn, R. Bruschweiler, A. Dossey, A. S.Edison, F. Kaplan, J. R. Rocca, M. Stadler, G. Tavera, P. Teal, C. Zachariah, F. Zhang, K. Sippel.


  • The Conference for Genomes, Evolution, and Bioinformatics; 2006; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ; Poster Presented; “Bioinformatic and Phylogenetic Analysis of the FMRFamide Like Multigene Neuropeptide Family in Phylum Nematoda”; T. Dossey, S. O. Sassi, E. L. Braun, S. A. Benner, and A. S. Edison.


  • University of Florida Bioinformatics Workshop; 2005; Gainesville, FL; Poster Presented; “Comparative Study of Sequence, Chemical, and Functional Properties of FMRFamide-Like Neuropeptides and Their Precursor DNAs/Proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans and briggsae”; Aaron T. Dossey and Arthur S. Edison.


  • ENC; 2004; Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA; Poster Presented; “Differential Activities Of NPR-1 Peptide Ligands are Regulated by Differences in Secondary Structures of the N-Termini”; Dossey, C. Zachariah, A. S. Edison, M. de Bono, and P. D. Evans.


  • ENC; 2003; Savannah, GA; Poster Presented; “Optimization of the Production of the Extracellular Domain of the FMRFamide-Gated Sodium Channel for Structural Studies”; Aaron T. Dossey, Cherian Zachariah, and Arthur S. Edison.


  • 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuroscience; Nov. 8-12, 2003; New Orleans, LA; Poster Presented; “Differential Activities of NPR-1 Ligands are Regulated by Differences in Secondary Structures”; Edison, A. S.; Dossey, A.; Zachariah, C.; Reale, V.; Chatwin, H.; de Bono, M.; Evans, P. D.


  • 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuroscience; 2002; Orlando, FL; Poster Presented; “Preliminary Structural Characterization of FaNaCh Receptor and FMRFa Bound to FaNaCh.”; Edison, A. S.; Zachariah, C.; Thomas, S. G.; Dossey, A. T.







Teaching Experience


  • Biomedical Sciences Grand Rounds; IDP (Interdisciplinary Program in Biomedical Sciences, University of Florida); Sept. 8, 2008, “Medicines from Nature: More Common Than You Think”.



  • Teaching Assistant for BCH 6745C: “Molecular Structure and Dynamics by NMR Spectroscopy”, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; Fall, 2005


  • Mentoring undergraduate students; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; 2003-present



  • Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) 2014-present
  • Sigma Xi 2009-2011
  • Entomological Society of America 2008-2016
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)                                    2008-2013
  • American Chemical Society (ACS) 2008-2011
  • International Society of Chemical Ecology (ISCE) 2008-2011
  • Phasmid Study Group (England, UK) 2008-present
  • Alachua County Democratic Executive Committee 2008-2013
  • Union of Concerned Scientists 2008-2012
  • Oklahoma State University Alumni Association                                                       2003-2011


Community Involvement

  • Gainesville Energy Advisory Committee (GEAC)                                     2007-2010


Outreach and Education



  • Chief Organizer, Entomology Section; USA Science and Engineering Festival; via Invertebrate Studies Institute (Dr. Aaron T. Dossey, Founder); Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington DC; April 25 (VIP Sneak Peek) and 26-27, 2014.


  • Chief Organizer, Entomology Section; USA Science and Engineering Festival; via All Things Bugs LLC (Aaron T. Dossey, Founder/Owner); Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington DC; April 27 (VIP Sneak Peek) and 28-29, 2012.

  • September 16-17, 2011; Volunteer;Bugfest; Largest Insect themed event in the USA; Volunteer at 3 different sections teaching the public about 1) Arthropods in general, 2) Insects as human food and 3) Orthoptera/Phasmatodea/Mantodea; North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC.


  • September 23-24, 2011; Participant, invited/paid; “Insectival”; Helped prepare food and set up displays for the “Insect Café”, teaching people about insects as a sustainable food source; worked with Daniella Martin of “Girl Meets Bug” and Prof. Marianne Shockley (UGA Entomology); The State Botanical Gardens of Georgia; University of Georgia; Athens, GA.

  • 2008: Demonstrations of techniques in entomology and chemistry for local high school teachers; Gainesville, FL.
  • 2003: Educational demonstration using live and preserved insects; Prairie View Elementary School; Gainesville, FL.

Related Experience

Southern Texas – Big Bend National Park and several state parks

Research Field Expedition – Collection and Study of the several stick insect species.         September 2009

Collecting, photography, and observation expedition with one of the world’s leading team of experts (Oskar V. Conle and Frank H. Hennemann from Germany) on stick insects.  I applied for and obtained permits for the national and state parks, collected specimens for molecular phylogenetic analysis (DNA) and took photographs.  I also applied for USDA live insect transport permits for this collaboration.

Gainesville and Ocala National Forest, Florida


Collaboration – Anisomorpha buprestoides – Nature Filming                                            October 2008

Several days helping a BBC Natural History Unit filming crew take high-speed high-definition video of the defensive chemical spraying mechanism of A. buprestoides – film to appear on the BBC series “Life” in Fall, 2009.

California Institute of Technology

Training in Techniques – Caenorhabditis elegans – culture and experimental                     Summer 2005

Two week summer training in the lab of Prof. Paul Sternberg in C. elegans culture, worm transfer techniques, chemotaxis and other bioassays, worm video tracking, and general worm behavior observation.

South Florida, Florida Keys, and the Dry Tortugas

Research Field Expedition – Collection and Study of the walkingstick insect Aplopus mayeri.       Sept. 2007

Research was conducted at, and permits obtained from, several state and national parks independently.

Scientific Interests

The central theme of my research is to capitalize on the chemical and biological diversity which exists among arthropods for a host of applications including drug discovery, identifying new insect repellents and how insects might contribute to a more sustainable human food supply.   

Entomology – 1995 to Present

In addition to my research goals, I am very interested in utilizing arthropods in education, outreach and conservation efforts.  To this end I hope one day to establish a public insect zoo coupled with a mass rearing and research facility.  Arthropods are unique in their ability to inspire creativity and spark interest in people who are able to observe and learn about them.  So far I have pursued my passion for insects through volunteer help rearing insects at OSU Insectary with Mike Doss, donating specimens for educational display at the OSU Entomology Museum curated by Don Arnold, and giving educational demonstrations for elementary school children.  I have also independently maintained insect cultures for my own research in insect chemical biology.  I am also an avid armature nature photographer with a special emphasis on insects.  I continue to seek opportunities to interact with other entomologists and share my love and enthusiasm for insects and the natural world at any given opportunity.   

Invertebrate Studies Institute – Entomology/Nematology

Founding and leadership of the Invertebrate Studies Institute (ISI); Running an Invertebrate Zoo through ISI (goal to be the largest live exotic insect collection in the US); Mentoring Undergraduate and Graduate students; Education and outreach activities focused on invertebrates, particularly insects; Collaboration on research projects in insect husbandry and insect chemical defense research, insect rearing and Entomophagy.  I provide expertise on insect rearing, running an organization, acquisition of exotic insects from all over the world, plant rearing and insect feeds/foodplants, Chemistry, Biochemistry and general laboratory and greenhouse techniques.

Chemical Ecology – Natural Products Chemistry

The research program I began in 2006 emerged from my life-long passion for entomology and interest in understanding and utilizing the biochemical mechanisms that underlie natural processes.  In that work I have been working on an exciting series of projects determining the chemical makeup of walkingstick insect (Order Phasmatodea) chemical defenses.  Throughout this research I have independently conceived, designed, conducted, and managed each of the various projects involved.  Additionally, I have maintained several national and international collaborations on these projects.  My work has led to award winning publications as well as press articles and a number of speaking engagements at meetings and institutions.  I am also interested in mechanisms of natural product biosynthesis, evolution of chemical defense, and ecological implications of chemical compounds produced by insects. 

Entomophagy – Insects as a Sustainable Human Food Source

In addition to my interests in insect chemistry I also believe that there is substantial potential for insects to become the sustainable livestock of the future and to help combat world hunger and malnutrition. As the human population grows, it is ever more important to sustain rather than increase our levels of consumption and harvesting materials from the planet and its ecosphere. The United Nations expects the population to grow to more than 9 billion people by 2050, adding approximately twice the current population of China. Because of this, it is important to find ways to carry out our livelihoods which do not continue adding harmful materials to our environment, demolishing limited and ever dwindling habitat or abusing natural ecosystems or other valuable natural resources. The FAO estimates there are at least 1,000 species of edible insects in the world. Insects possess a number of features which make them attractive targets for exploration as a more sustainable food source. Projects: development of cricket powder, cricket flour, Griopro® Cricket Powder www.cricketpowder.com .


Tyler Tatum

Ripple Technology, LLC


1984 Howell Mill Rd, #19924

Atlanta, GA 30327


Phone: (404) 783-0923



Dr. Brenda Oppert

Research Molecular Biologist

ATTN: Brenda Oppert

1515 College Avenue

Manhattan, KS  66502


Phone: (785) 776-2780


Laurie Keeler

Senior Manager for Product Development

The Food Processing Center

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

143 Filley Hall, East Campus/1625 Arbor Drive

Lincoln, NE 68583-0930


Phone: (402) 310-8005


Additional references available upon request.

Invertebrate Studies Institute’s mission is to inspire appreciation for and conservation of the natural world through invertebrate focused research, education, outreach, entertainment activities.

Invertebrate Studies Institute, Inc. (ISI) is a non-profit 501c3 organization.

Our Offices

Invertebrate Studies Institute, Inc.

University Research Park
755 Research Parkway, Suite 552
Oklahoma City, OK 73130
Phone: 352-281-3643
Email: support@isibugs.org

Support ISI Today

ISI inspires appreciation for science, invertebrates and the natural world.

755 Research Parkway, Oklahoma City, OK 73104